How to Improve Business Data Security: Everything You Need to Know

A recent FBI report reveals that, in 2021, the public reported a record number of complaints regarding cybercrime. The FBI cites 847,376 in total that year.

Cybercrime is not going away. What’s worse is that it is picking up pace. Hackers are lurking globally, ready to attack a business like yours.

While data breaches are troublesome, worrying will not stop them. Action will. It would help if you took the proper precautions.

Here is how you can improve business data security.

Protecting Business Data

Unfortunately, the weakest link with data security is your usually your employees. Each year, 34% of organizations worldwide are affected because of an insider threat. Further, over the past two years, insider threats are increasing by 44%.

In 2022, the cost per insider threat was $15.38 million.

Cyber security is everyone’s responsibility. The five best approaches for protecting your company’s data are:

  • Conduct cybersecurity audits regularly
  • In case of a breach, develop a protocol
  • Backup your data daily
  • Know which employees have user access and why they have this access
  • Leverage encryption

Protecting your business data is a tremendous undertaking. If you do not have a digital security team to prevent exploitation, we recommend you check out these professional IT services.

Common Cyber Threats

Cyber threats indeed transform, so your method for preventing them should be rapid too. Because of this, you want to know today’s common cyber threats.

What dangers are common in today’s business world?

  • Web or email attacks
  • Decoding encrypted data with trial and error
  • Flash drives and other removable media
  • Using system privileges without authorization
  • Theft of devices with confidential information
  • DDoS attacks
  • Ransomware
  • Malware
  • Spam and Phishing

A crucial part of prevention is education. To protect business data security, employees must have thorough training in these common areas.

Digital Security Tools

Sometimes data breaches occur because organizations not only lack education, but they lack the proper digital security tools. To help bridge this gap, your business requires four critical digital security tools.

To protect sensitive business data, use these tools:

  • Firewalls
  • Antivirus software
  • Anti-spyware software
  • Password management software

These tools will protect your data and your brand image and prevent unnecessary costs that could incur should you experience a data breach.

Cloud Data Backups

What is a cloud backup? This allows businesses to send a copy of their data to a cloud location if someone compromises their data. An organization can restore information and ensure business continuity with a cloud backup.

It gives businesses a leg up should devastating IT crises occur.

Improve Business Data Security

Don’t let a data breach bring you down. Instead, take the time right now to improve business data security.

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