How to Protect Your Manufacturing Business From Cyber Attacks

Manufacturing businesses rely on operational technology (OT) to support core business processes. This makes them a target for hackers who use ransomware, BEC attacks, data theft, and other tactics to cause disruptions.

Despite the mistaken belief that they have little to offer hackers, manufacturing companies can be valuable targets for several reasons. Learn how to protect your manufacturing company from cyberattacks.

Invest in Security

Unlike the isolated, stand-alone operations of the past, today’s manufacturing businesses are heavily interconnected with their customers, partners, and supply chains. This heavy digitalization has boosted productivity and profit margins and made the industry an attractive target for malicious actors.

A successful hack could halt production, result in financial losses, and damage your reputation. Many manufacturers store sensitive data that hackers can access through phishing attacks, ransomware, BEC, server access, and more. These breaches can devastate a manufacturing company and may lead to extortion demands and lawsuits.

In addition to cyber attacks, manufacturing companies face other security risks like sabotage and insider threats. Disgruntled employees and competitors may attempt to sabotage a company’s operations or steal information. This can cause a loss in revenue, harm your brand and lead to fines from government agencies.

Many cyberattacks are preventable with solid cybersecurity measures and a well-trained team. Cybersecurity resources for manufacturers must invest in the tools and resources that protect their data, technology, and physical processes from cyber attacks. Cyber threats like phishing, malware, ransomware, and data theft are growing more sophisticated. Your team must be trained to identify potential vulnerabilities and implement robust policies to avoid these new and emerging threats.

Monitor Your Network

Manufacturing businesses have a lot of different types of systems that connect to the Internet, so these companies need to be vigilant and monitor their networks regularly. This way, they can catch potential cyber attacks before they become a problem.

The good news is that cybersecurity is improving, and manufacturers need to invest in the best protection possible. They should also have a plan for when a breach occurs so they can respond quickly.

A successful cyber attack can be devastating for a manufacturing company. Not only can it lead to production delays, but it can also cost the company money and damage its reputation. In addition, it can put employees at risk and create safety issues for the public.

Hackers often target manufacturing companies because they’re easy to access. They can use malware to enter the system and steal confidential information quietly. They can also use ransomware to take control of the company’s equipment or plant. This type of malware restricts the company’s operations until it pays a fee to hackers.

Manufacturing companies need a team of professionals to protect them from cyberattacks. Microminder can help by providing threat detection, implementing a customized cybersecurity plan, supply chain security architecture, and more. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

Educate Your Employees

Manufacturing companies must ensure employees understand cyberattacks and how they can be avoided. This is especially important because many breaches are due to employee negligence, and attacks in the manufacturing sector are rising. Employees need to be trained on phishing scams, how to protect their passwords, the importance of backing up data, and what steps to take if there is an attack or breach in their network.

It is also essential to have strict policies that prevent physical access to company computers or handheld devices by unauthorized people. This includes taking the proper steps when disposing of these devices to reset them to factory settings. In addition, it is essential to remove access from former employees or those who no longer work at your business as soon as they are no longer in the role. This will prevent information from winding up in the hands of a cyber-criminal.

For those manufacturing businesses that need a more comprehensive approach to protecting their data and their networks, working with a third-party cybersecurity company may be the best option. Companies like BitLyft can provide a state-of-the-art solution that provides visibility into the entire network, self-learning AI, security information event management, and central threat intelligence to create a more proactive defense against cyberattacks in your manufacturing business.

Invest in Backups

While financial institutions and hospitals have been forced to deal with the threat of cyber attacks for decades, manufacturing companies have mostly ignored it. This is due to several factors, including a lack of knowledge and awareness, and many manufacturers are concerned that they don’t have much to offer cyber attackers, which isn’t true.

Despite these concerns, manufacturers must invest in backups, significantly increasing the likelihood of recovering from a cyber attack. It’s also essential that these backups be tested regularly to ensure that they are working correctly.

Backing up data doesn’t have to be expensive, as plenty of services will provide affordable, scalable solutions. However, the best option for small businesses may be to consider using a BDR device, which includes hybrid cloud technology, inverse chain backups, ransomware protection, and the ability to virtualize your infrastructure in as little as six seconds.

Investing in backups is essential for manufacturing businesses, as they are more vulnerable to extended downtime and costly ramifications than other industries. You can create a robust strategy to protect your business from cyber-attacks with the right team. Microminder can assist with everything from threat detection, customized cybersecurity plans, supply chain security architecture, and insider threat prevention.