Why A Consistent Daily Routine Can Help Your Child With ADHD

When you have a child who experiences symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, you want to do everything you can to support your child in managing symptoms. Creating a structured environment through consistent daily routines is an effective approach to managing ADHD symptoms. When paired with homeopathic over the counter ADHD medication, routines help to improve focus, reduce anxiety, and control impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Manageable Daily Functions

Children with ADHD symptoms are commonly characterized as fidgety, disorganized, and disengaged, making it difficult for them to successfully complete tasks. The predictability and structure that routines provide help eliminate distractions and clarify expectations. For example, establishing a set time and location for homework can remove barriers to successful completion. Your child will know exactly when homework time is and where to find needed materials. Fewer conflicts will arise when your child knows what to expect.

Routines also provide a greater sense of security and control. By making daily tasks more manageable, your child will experience greater success and feel more competent.

Fosters Positive Skills and Habits

Routines create opportunities to develop important life skills and establish healthy habits. Including age-appropriate chores as a daily activity builds time management skills and promotes responsibility. Involving your child in a task like weekly meal planning sets the foundation for healthy eating practices. Consistency and repetition allow your child to hone skills and turn actions into habits.

Improves Sleep

Poor sleep exacerbates ADHD symptoms and ADHD symptoms contribute to poor sleep. Routines can help to break this cycle. One of the most common anxiety 6 year old symptoms is disrupted sleep. If your child frequently wakes during the night or won’t fall asleep without a parent present, a solid bedtime routine can overcome these challenges. Aim for a consistent bedtime. Engage in low-key activities that promote relaxation and calm. Read together, do a short meditation, offer a final goodnight hug, then let your child drift into a peaceful slumber.

Tips To Implement Routines at Home

When creating routines, consider your child’s personality, preferences and needs along with your family’s priorities and values. Suggested practices for establishing successful routines include:

  • Simplifying choices: Empowering your child to make choices provides a much-needed sense of control. However, children with ADHD can become overwhelmed by too many choices. Ease decision-making by narrowing down the number of available options. For example, when your child is laying out clothes for the next day, offer two or three outfits to choose from instead of the entire wardrobe.
  • Using visual cues: Post your child’s schedule in a visible location. Create checklists for routines like getting ready in the morning. Use pictures or words depending on your child’s age and abilities.
  • Breaking down complex tasks: Give specific directions and break tasks into small, manageable steps. Replace a vague directive like “yard work” with more precise instructions such as “rake leaves” or “pull weeds.”
  • Staying flexible: Too much structure can backfire. Adjust your family’s schedule as needed. Also, leave room for unstructured time as free play is crucial to healthy child development.

Structured, but flexible routines are a viable alternative to prescription medicine like Adderall in managing ADHD symptoms. Give your routines some time to work. Take note of your child’s progress and make adjustments to best suit your entire family’s needs.