Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Purpose: Why Is CPR Done?

How many people have you saved with your cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills?

It’s easy to say that you know how to do CPR. But when it comes to talking face-to-face with someone who needs CPR, how confident are you?

Could you provide life-saving chest compressions and rescue breath without having practiced? If you don’t have confidence, you need to learn about cardiopulmonary resuscitation purpose.

True CPR skills that save lives are worth their weight in gold. But saving a life isn’t the only benefit of learning CPR. There are so many other wonderful benefits to learning and practicing CPR on a regular basis.

Read on to learn more about CPR’s purposes.


What is cardiopulmonary resuscitation exactly? CPR is an emergency procedure used to save the life of someone whose heart and breathing have stopped.

It is a combination of chest compressions, mouth-to-mouth breathing, and sometimes the use of an automated external defibrillator. The chest compressions help to circulate oxygen-rich blood to the body and brain, while the rescue breaths help to open up the air passageways and provide oxygen to the lungs.

The use of an automated defibrillator can shock the heart back into a normal rhythm. The technique is most effective if started within minutes of the person becoming unconscious.

To be effective, proper CPR technique needs to be followed every time. Knowing and using CPR can save lives.

The Benefits

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, more commonly referred to as CPR, is a lifesaving procedure that can restore the heartbeat and breathing in cases of cardiac arrest. Its immediate use can improve the chances of a positive outcome. Here are some benefits of CPR.

Increased Survival Rate

The first cardiopulmonary resuscitation purpose is it increased the survival rate. CPR can double or even triple a person’s chance of life when it is started within the first three minutes following cardiac arrest, according to studies.

Timely Diagnosis

During CPR, a paramedic can identify the cause of the heart attack and treat it accordingly. This minimizes the risk of further physical damage.

Quick Response

Since CPR is a method of emergency treatment, it can be performed by anyone with basic training. This increases the speed of response for those desperate for help.

Can I Do CPR?

Anyone can learn and perform the technique if they have received CERP and First Aid Certifications. But, for healthcare providers, medical professionals, police officers, and other emergency responders, these certifications are necessary to perform CPR effectively and efficiently.

The certifications also provide important information to the layperson on how to respond to an emergency involving unconscious victims.

Even if someone has not received first aid or CPR certifications, they may still be able to help in an emergency. Knowing how to recognize a cardiac emergency and how to perform basic CPR can be life-saving and save the life of a person in distress.

Exploring the Life-Saving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Purpose

CPR is a necessary skill to have to sustain life while professionals are called to the scene. Knowing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation purpose and importance can help save the life of a person suffering from cardiac arrest.

Learning CPR can empower anyone to be a hero! So, get certified today and become a lifesaver!

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