How Long Can A Leopard Gecko Go Without Food-An Unavoidable Issue to Know!
The time that a leopard gecko can go without food significantly differs from a few days to several months depending on the age and other issues of this wild and pet animal.
For example, baby leopard geckos aged 0 to 2 months can survive merely 2 days without eating anything. Again, when they become half a year old, they can go nearly a week without food.
Finally, an adult, hale and hearty member of this species can easily spend 15 to 30 days having no food at all.
This duration mainly depends on the ability of a particular animal. As this is an overgeneralized statement, it may easily vary from one to another. So, if you have a pet leopard gecko, you must decide things observing the abilities and conditions of that very pet.
How Long Can A Leopard Gecko Go Without Food?

So, there cannot be one particular answer to- How long can a leopard gecko go without food? The reason is the duration of living of this animal without eating food is greatly influenced by the age and other factors of it.
So, if you already have a pet gecko or are thinking of getting one, you must know some crucial things about this animal to keep things under your control.
How Long Can A Leopard Gecko Live Without Water?
When it is about water, things are totally different for this pet and all other animals, too. To be specific, a leopard can hardly survive more than a day or two without drinking water or any liquid, says Jeremy.
That is why, when you are rearing a leopard at home as a pet, you must make sure that you are always giving it fresh water in a clean container, confirming that the container is within its reach. Besides, you must change the water at regular intervals so that the gecko always gets clean water.
Water is one of the most important elements that you have to always ensure to the gecko. You must understand how long leopard geckos go without food and water. Otherwise, the slightest laziness or carelessness of some few hours may easily cost you the life of your favorite pet!
Why Does A Leopard Gecko Normally Refuse to Eat Food?

According to Oliver Jones, a leopard gecko sometimes shows aversion to eating foods for some common reasons like stress, change of weather, dehydration, illness, etc.
A leopard might be unwilling to eat for putting in stress by doing unwise activities. When you change its habitat frequently, or the weather gets worse and hampers the comfort of its living, a leopard finds it too tough to take food.
Too much cold weather forces a gecko not to eat as the bitter environment makes it difficult for them to digest whatever they eat. On the other hand, sadly, it stops eating even in the scorching heat because it suffers from dehydration then. Another common reason for a leopard gecko’s aversion to taking food is illness.
As you would never like to see your pet suffer from hunger or illnesses, you must identify causes and take prompt actions to remove them.
What Should You Do to Tempt A Leopard Gecko to Eat Food?
When you find that the lizard skips food consecutively and consequently it’s getting weak, you must be worried as you know how long a young or mature leopard gecko can go without eating. So, you must be looking for tricks to tempt the pet to eat food enthusiastically.
Firstly, you can try to feed the leo with your hand. This makes the task easy and effective. You can also give the reptile its favorite items like dubia roach, silkworm or waxworm, etc. Don’t try force-feeding because it would rather harm the animal, suggests ReptileCraze.
If you still see no change in the appetite of the pet, don’t delay to consult a vet. Surely, things will be OK soon!
How Much Food Should You Feed A Leopard Gecko?
As the amount of food for a gecko solely depends on its size, it’s pretty easy for you to determine the amount. A popular system is to give the pet as much food as they can finish in 12 to 15 minutes.
Another effective and easy technique is to measure the length of the lizard. This is because a leopard gecko should be given 2 insects for its every one inch length.
So, the calculation for a 5 inch gecko the number of insects is 10, while 12 insects for a 6 inch ones. After 15 minutes, you have to remove all the remaining insects.
Can A Leopard Gecko Starve Itself to Death?
Absolutely, not. A leopard irrespective of age, any disabilities or sufferings, does never stop eating foods intentionally with the view to dying. Not only about this lizard, it’s very rare in nature that an animal itself abstain from eating food and commits suicide.
Should I Worry If My Leopard Gecko Refuses To Eat For A Few Days?
A leopard gecko can stop taking food suddenly and a number of reasons can be held responsible for it. So, you shouldn’t be worried as it will be OK naturally. But if it goes on for a long time, you must meet a vet to get suggestions.
Will My Leopard Gecko’s Behavior Change When It’s Hungry?
Yes, a hungry leo must show some symptoms like moving fast randomly, searching for food everywhere, or showing hunting attitude, etc.
Can I Force-Feed My Leopard Gecko If It’s Not Eating for a Long Time?
As force-feeding needs to be done by an expert only, you shouldn’t try this at home. Instead, you should visit a vet and give him the responsibility.
Final Thoughts
Leopard gecko is an incredibly beautiful creature that has a reputation for surviving without eating food.
Basically a newborn leo can go at least 2 days, while a mature one of one year can pass 30 days quite easily eating nothing at all.
In most cases, this starvation results from dehydration, cold or troubles created from stress. Again, a leo can avoid all kinds of eating because of physical illnesses.
As the treatment depends on the cause, you must try to identify the reasons for the aversion of leopard geckos to eating food and take actions accordingly.