Family Vacations Made Easy: A Stress-Free Planning Guide

Family vacations can make memories that last a lifetime. However, depending on multiple factors, those memories can be either really, really good, or horribly bad. Something as simple as forgetting to pack a specific item can result in headaches, while failing to prepare for the local weather can ruin an entire trip. Or at least make it more costly.

That’s where proper planning comes in.

If you want to avoid as much stress as possible, you need to have a solid plan in place, whether you’re headed out for a spur-of-the-moment day trip to New Jersey beaches or you’re packing for a fantastic week-long Israel tour. With that in mind, we’ve put together this quick planning guide to help ensure that your next family vacation is as enjoyable as possible.

So, before you pull your favorite luggage out of the closet and start loading the car, take a few minutes to give it a read.

Make a List

You may think there’s no way you’d ever forget something as crucial as a pacifier or medications, but you may be surprised by how often this happens. So, to ensure that you don’t overlook anything, start your plan with a list of all the “must-haves.”

Include everything you can think of – diapers, clothing (after checking your destination’s weather forecast), glasses, wallet, traveler’s checks, meds, etc. Basically, from toothbrushes to how many pairs of socks are needed for each person.

Next, for those vacations that require air travel, determine what has to be included in your carry-on and what can be in the checked baggage. A best practice is to start your list well in advance. There’s a good chance your first draft will overlook at least one important item and giving yourself some leeway will give you time to remember to add it before heading out the door.


No matter how long the trip is, you’ll need to entertain the kids. If not yourself, as well. Pack a small bag or backpack with fun road trip games, movies, coloring books, and toys. Keep the length of your trip in mind and pack accordingly. If it’s a long car or plane ride, it’s a good idea to pack more than you think you’ll need.

As a pro tip, if you’re taking doing the holidays with teenagers, consider letting them have a friend tag along to help keep them entertained.

Family-Friendly Accommodations

Before you make a withdrawal from your hard-earned savings account, be sure to review hotels, AirBnBs, and vacation homes to check for amenities. Look for options that have pools, play areas, and anything else that’s going to make your stay more comfortable. Once you have two or three options in mind, you can narrow it down based on other criteria, such as local attractions and distance to/from the airport.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Whether your connecting flight for your Disney vacation is delayed or one of the kids keeps getting car sick, you need to roll with it. Getting irate or extremely upset is going to set a bad tone for the day, if not the entire trip.

While you can’t prepare for every eventuality, you can put yourself in the mindset that you’re not going to let anything bother you. Or at least, let it get to you as little as possible. Vacations are meant to be fun and though they can be stressful, the right mindset before you head out the door can make all the difference in the world.

Utilizing these tips may not guarantee a stress-free vacation, but it will certainly help. Make your list of necessities, pack plenty of entertainment, find the best accommodations for your troupe, and roll with the punches and you’re much more likely to make last memories that the entire family will cherish.