How Much Does A Pig Cost

The demand for pigs is increasing day by day. People have started raising pigs on farms for their benefit. One of the common questions heard nowadays is, how much does a pig cost and at what cost you can raise it. A person who is unfamiliar with it may not have any sort of idea regarding it. So, we encourage you to go through this article to have a proper idea about the cost of pigs.

Generally, the cost of a piglet is about $150 & when the piglet is 5-6months older, its price increases to $300-$400.

The prices of pigs are increasing rapidly. There are a number of breeds available in the market. Prices of pigs vary depending on some factors, like –

  • Breed
  • Weight
  • Size etc.

Different Breeds of Pig:

In the market, there are different breeds of pig available. Each breed costs differently. A breed that gives more meat costs more. The price depends on the quality of meat a pig produces. A lot of pigs are available in the market that produces good quality, tender, and lean meats. These meats are juicy and tasty to eat.

There are some breeds of pig that are beneficial for farming purposes, good quality meat, growth, etc. The farmers praise them. Some of the breeds are mentioned below:

  • Yorkshire
  • Duroc
  • Berkshire
  • Landrace
  • Chester White
  • Hampshire
  • Tamworth
  • Large Black
  • Mulefoot

These breeds of pigs are priced high, weigh heavy, and are known for good quality meat.

Prices of Some Common Breeds of Pig:

The price of a pig depends on its breed mainly. The prices of different types of pig’s breed are mentioned below:

  • Yorkshire:

Yorkshire is one of the most popular pigs around the world. They are medium-sized pigs and not suitable to grow in small farms. They are usually grown in big farms where they can move freely.  A male Yorkshire having weight around 220 pounds to 264 pounds usually costs about $248. And, a female Yorkshire of 88 pounds to 110 pounds usually costs about $329. The price of a Yorkshire varies depending on different factors like quality of meat, location, and seasons. The price of a Yorkshire is not the same in summer and winter. In summer, the cost is high.

  • Duroc:

The Duroc is a medium-sized pig that has a moderately long body and a slightly dished face. The cost of a Duroc pig varies depending on various factors like quality, size, location, and seasons. Duroc costs are high in the spring and summer seasons. Its price is slightly lower in the south and midwest. The average price of a male duroc piglet is $150. If you want to buy a mature one, you may need to pay about $250 – $300.

  • Berkshire:

The Berkshire is also a medium-sized pig. A Berkshire piglet costs about $100 – $150.  If you want an adult, you may need to pay double that money. 

The weight of a male Berkshire is about 600pounds, and the weight of a female Berkshire is about 500pounds. Based on the cut, the retail price of a single-pound Berkshire pig may range from $14 – $30. Its meats are prized for their juiciness, flavor & tenderness, heavily marbled.

  • Hampshire:

A Hampshire pig is a medium-sized pig that is known for its lean meat and better carcass quality. The weight of a male Hampshire is about 650 pounds, and the weight of a female Hampshire is about 500 pounds. An adult Hampshire pig costs about $476. This cost depends on locations, seasons, etc. This breed of pig is suitable to grow in all types of firms. It is known for its quality meat. 

Costs of Raising a Pig:

Cost to Raise a Pig in Summer:

If you are willing to raise a pig, it is better to buy a feeder pig in spring. This feeder pig can be raised all summer, and in the fall, it can be harvested. At 5months old, a pig generally weighs about 150 pounds. 

A single feeder pig costs about $100 in the spring season. The feeding cost for 3months is about $115. Then after 5months, you can harvest it. The cost of slaughter for a pig would be $60, and butchering would cost about $100. So, in total to raise a pig in summer will cost you $375.

If you had bought the same pig from a local firm, it would cost you $600. So raising a pig on your own can save an extra $225.

Cost to raise a pig in winter:

If you have bought your feeder pig in spring for $100 and raised it through the summer, then your pig will be about 11months old in winter. The hanging weight would be 250 pounds. A pig will consume about $2.50 as feed every day. So, throughout the winter season, your pig will need feed equivalent to $450.

So, raising a pig throughout the summer costs you $375. In winter it will cost you more than $450. The total cost to raise a pig in winter would be $825.

More weight, More price:

A smaller pig costs less, but a pig of larger weight costs more. You can buy a piglet that will cost you $100, but you can’t buy a mature heavyweight pig at the same rate; it will cost you about $300- $450.

A pig is raised by its owner for several months. In that time, the owner feeds his/her pig. The feed is not free. It costs a lot of money to properly feed and help a pig to grow rapidly. During this raising time, a pig gains its weight and grows bigger in size by taking the feed given by its owner. 

For this reason, when the weight of the pig is more, it costs more. The owner includes all his rising costs while selling his pig. When your pig weighs about 250 – 300 pounds, selling your pig at that time is the wise decision, and it will give you a better price.

It is not a wise decision to make your pig bigger to several hundred pounds. If a pig weighs too much, you will get an excessive amount of useless lards.


The cost of a pig depends on various factors like breed, weight, seasons, conditions, etc. If someone asks you, how much does a pig cost and which season is better for buying a pig? Then, simply you would answer that a pig’s cost varies depending upon breed to breed and season to season. Generally, the cost of a piglet is about $150. After 5-6months older, its price increases to $300-$400. Buying a matured pig in summer & spring costs more. So, it is better to buy a piglet and raise the piglet during these seasons. 

A pig having a healthier weight costs more than a pig having less weight.