How to Fix Gaps in Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors are known for their beauty, durability, and timeless appeal. However, over time, even the best-maintained hardwood floors may develop gaps between the planks. These gaps can be unsightly and can also affect the floor’s functionality. Fortunately, fixing gaps in hardwood floors is a manageable task that can be done by homeowners with the right tools and techniques. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of fixing gaps in hardwood floors, ensuring your floors regain their seamless and beautiful appearance.

Understanding the Causes of Gaps

Before jumping into the fix, it’s important to understand why gaps appear in hardwood floors. Wood is a natural material that expands and contracts with changes in humidity and temperature. Over time, these fluctuations can cause the planks to shrink, leading to gaps between them. Additionally, improper installation techniques or insufficient acclimation of the wood can also contribute to gap formation. Identifying the cause of the gaps will help you prevent them from recurring in the future.

Assessing the Severity of the Gaps

Not all gaps in hardwood floors require the same level of intervention. Start by assessing the severity of the gaps to determine the best course of action. Small gaps, typically less than 1/8 inch wide, can be addressed with simpler solutions. Larger gaps, exceeding 1/8 inch, may require more extensive repairs, such as using wood filler or replacing individual planks.

Natural Fixes for Small Gaps

For minor gaps in hardwood floors, there are a few natural remedies you can try before resorting to more involved repairs. One common method is to use a mixture of sawdust and wood glue. Collect sawdust that matches the color of your floor and mix it with wood glue to create a paste. Fill the gaps with the paste, ensuring it is level with the surface of the floor. Once it dries, sand down the excess and apply a protective finish. Another option is to use fine steel wool dipped in mineral oil to rub along the gaps, which can help the wood fibers swell and close the gaps.

Utilizing Wood Filler

For larger gaps, using wood filler is an effective solution. Wood filler is a putty-like substance that can be used to fill gaps, cracks, and imperfections in wood surfaces. Start by cleaning the gaps and removing any debris or loose particles. Then, apply the wood filler using a putty knife, pressing it into the gaps and ensuring it is level with the surrounding floor. Allow the filler to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once dry, sand the area to achieve a smooth surface and finish with a protective coating that matches the rest of the floor.

Replacing Damaged Planks

In cases where the gaps are too wide or the planks themselves are damaged, replacing the affected planks is the best solution. Begin by carefully removing the damaged plank using a circular saw, chisel, or pry bar. Take precise measurements of the removed plank to ensure a proper fit for the replacement. Install the new plank, making sure it aligns with the surrounding floor, and secure it using finishing nails or a pneumatic nail gun. Once in place, sand the area to blend the new plank with the existing floor, and finish with a protective coating.

Preventative Measures

To minimize the occurrence of gaps in the future, it’s important to take preventative measures. Maintain a consistent humidity level in your home to minimize wood expansion and contraction. Use a humidifier during dry seasons and a dehumidifier when there is excess moisture. Additionally, acclimate the wood before installation by allowing it to adjust to the environment of the room for a few days.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to choose the right type of hardwood for your specific environment. Some wood species are more resistant to moisture and temperature changes than others. Consult with a flooring company or do thorough research to select a hardwood species that is well-suited for your climate and lifestyle.

Proper installation techniques also play a vital role in preventing gaps. Ensure that the subfloor is clean, level, and free of any debris before installing the hardwood planks. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the appropriate gap spacing between the planks during installation. This allows the wood to naturally expand and contract without creating noticeable gaps.

Regular maintenance of your hardwood floors is essential to keep them in good condition and minimize the chances of gap formation. Sweep or vacuum the floors regularly to remove dirt and debris that can cause abrasion and potentially lead to gaps. Avoid using excessive water when cleaning the floors, as water can seep into the gaps and cause further damage. Instead, use a slightly damp mop or a specialized hardwood floor cleaner.

Lastly, consider using area rugs or furniture pads to protect high-traffic areas and minimize the impact on the hardwood floors. These preventative measures can help distribute weight and reduce the stress on the flooring, thus minimizing the occurrence of gaps.


Fixing gaps in hardwood floors is a manageable task that can be accomplished by homeowners with the right tools and techniques. By understanding the causes of gaps, assessing their severity, and choosing the appropriate solution, you can restore the beauty and functionality of your hardwood floors. Whether you opt for natural remedies, wood filler, or plank replacement, it’s essential to follow the step-by-step process and take preventive measures to minimize gap formation in the future. With proper care and maintenance, your hardwood floors will continue to provide a timeless and elegant backdrop to your living space.