The Benefits of Using Network Automation Tools in Your Business

Network automation tools enable businesses to streamline manual network management tasks. By doing this, they reduce operational expenses and lower the risk of errors resulting in costly downtime.

The first step is identifying the key areas best suited for automation. This can include change management and processes related to network configuration.

Improved Efficiency

Network automation is a method in which software automatically configures, provisions, and manages network devices. This approach is critical to enhancing workflows, reducing operating expenses (Opex), eliminating human error, and improving compliance with configuration policies.

Using network automation tools, businesses can automate configuration changes for all types of network devices—from local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs) to cloud and data center network components. This approach eliminates manual processes, improves consistency and performance, and helps IT teams focus on projects that deliver higher value to the business.

With automation, IT can implement a continuous delivery process for configuration changes, such as updates to security settings or new applications. This enables IT to respond quickly to problems, minimize downtime and increase stability for all network resources.

In addition, network administrators can use network automation tools to streamline and simplify inventory management, optimize bandwidth utilization, and analyze network traffic and device configurations. This enables IT to perform more in-depth analysis and identify issues faster, helping them achieve service level agreements more efficiently.

Ultimately, using network automation tools frees up time for IT teams to focus on more pressing matters, such as expanding the infrastructure, beefing up security, and improving productivity. This translates into significant cost savings, especially for growing businesses that may otherwise be forced to hire more staff to handle routine tasks manually.


A well-planned network automation solution can help lower IT costs by eliminating time and resources spent on manual processes. By automating repetitive tasks, IT staff can spend more time on strategic projects contributing to overall business growth.

Using automation tools can also reduce the risk of human error. Errors in network configuration can cause significant downtime, which is expensive for any business. Automating network devices helps to eliminate these errors, making the IT infrastructure more reliable and scalable.

In addition, deploying an automation system can reduce the cost of IT maintenance and management. By automating repetitive tasks, IT professionals can spend more time on strategic projects contributing to business growth and profitability.

Start by listing the most time-consuming and resource-hungry processes in your IT infrastructure. These are the ones that you should try to automate right away. Once you have identified these processes, decide which automation tool or framework best fits your network. Look for a platform with vendor support and other network software integrations.

Choose a network automation service that allows you to transform your configuration into software code, which is easily repeatable across all devices. A network automation platform can also provide a single source of truth to ensure that all configuration changes are consistent and accurate.

Enhanced Security

As a business grows and scales, network devices will increase. Network automation allows these systems to handle growth without requiring additional human intervention. This increases efficiency, eliminates error-prone manual tasks, and lowers operational costs.

Human errors are responsible for 80 percent of network failures. Network automation tools can eliminate these manual mistakes by automatically making minor changes to network device configuration. This helps to ensure that the device has the same design across the entire network, which reduces the chance of errors and improves security.

While there are based network management and automation tools, there are based tools that allow you to manage all of your network devices from a single dashboard. However, most of these are vendor-specific, making them expensive for businesses employing many network device types. Other-based network management and automation tools are platform-agnostic, meaning they will work with all your network devices regardless of the manufacturer.

While deploying, configuring, and managing a network can be complicated and time-consuming, businesses must maintain and grow their infrastructure while improving security. To reduce these challenges, network automation provides a solution for businesses to improve coding efficiency, provisioning, infrastructure maintenance, and much more. Organizations can use a unified network automation solution to make their networks intelligent, reliable, secure, and easily compliant.

Increased Visibility

With network automation, you get more visibility into your business network. When done correctly, it frees up the time that IT teams usually spend on repetitive tasks to focus on more complex projects. It reduces the number of errors due to human error and enables IT teams to make changes faster. This helps to improve efficiency, reducing the time it takes to deploy new services and solutions and making it easier to meet compliance standards.

The right network automation tool supports all the digital technologies in your organization. This leaves your team free to focus on ensuring that they keep all the tools you use to run your business. It also eliminates the need to update all these devices, which can cause errors manually.

This makes it possible to automate the processes that are often the root causes of issues like performance degradation and outages. It allows you to ensure that your device configurations are always up to date, which is essential for a reliable and secure environment.

Before settling on a network automation tool, consult your IT teams about the top time-consuming and resource-hungry processes they’d like to see automated. Select a platform that checks off most items on the list, and you’ll likely find one that suits your needs.
