Customized Care: Tailoring Physical Therapy to Individual Needs 

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Physical therapy is an integral part of conventional medicine that helps patients restore movement, maintain function, and alleviate discomfort and pain across different body parts. 

Since physical therapy can treat various symptoms stemming from distinct conditions and injuries, it remains a sought-after practice by many physicians. The popularity of physical therapy has also led experts to offer different forms of treatment. 

One such variation is personalized physical therapy, which focuses on each patient’s individual needs for targeted treatment. If you have been exploring your physical therapy options, you might want to learn more about this method.

To help you along this journey, here is an overview of tailoring physical therapy to individual needs.

What is personalized physical therapy?

Personalized physical therapy is a subset of physical therapy where your treatment is modeled to meet your particular needs. Whether you are wondering what to do after being in a car accident, a slip and fall incident, or an arthritis flare-up, personalized physical therapy can offer you a customized treatment regime to treat your injury or medical condition. 

What benefits does it offer over traditional physical therapy?

Personalized physical therapy offers several benefits over physical therapy. These perks include: 

  • Having detailed consultations with your physical therapist to explain your concerns and goals. 
  • Getting a targeted treatment plan that is created to address your needs 
  • Receiving personalized guidance on changing your lifestyle to alleviate symptoms. 
  • specialized equipment helps you find ongoing relief. 
  • Holding continuous discussions to prevent further injuries and discomfort. 

This means that whether you have lower extremity lymphedema or chronic back pain, personalized physical therapy can help you address your concerns with a treatment plan that is focused on you.

This is in contrast to conventional physical therapy options, where patients are often offered the same type of treatment based on their condition. This overlooks those patients who are facing additional symptoms or who are experiencing issues in other parts of their body that are not typically affected by their condition. 

What should you know before going through personalized physical therapy?

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While personalized physical therapy may feel like a completely different form of physical therapy, it is the same treatment method with a greater focus on your specific needs. You can think of it as getting workout advice from an online personal trainer platform

What you might need to know is how the personalized physical therapy experience differs from conventional physical therapy. This is mostly evident in how personalized physical therapy consultations remain far more detailed than conventional physical therapy. With that, your treatment sessions are also more hands-on and sometimes more extensive in their duration. 

You should also be aware that personalized physical therapy can be more effective in conditions where conventional physical therapy does not deliver ideal results. This ranges from Parkinson’s disease treatment options to upper-extremity pain relief practices. 

Is it easy to find personalized physical therapy experts?

While personalized physical therapy experts can seem hard to find, it is actually not that difficult for you to discover these professionals in your area. Similar to getting a list of online dermatologists with a quick web search, you can find physical therapists who specialize in personalized care over the internet.

When you reach out to these physical therapists, make sure that you specifically ask them about their approach to personalized physical therapy. This ensures that you choose the right expert for your needs who is well-versed in this form of physical therapy. 

How much does personalized physical therapy cost?

Similar to sleep apnea treatment options, the cost of personalized physical therapy varies across providers. Factors such as your area, medical concern, and treatment plan can influence these costs. 

This means that if you use a personal budgeting app to manage your funds, you might want to wait until your personalized consultation before you can see how this treatment affects your finances. With that being said, personalized physical therapy costs often do not go much higher than conventional therapy. 

By learning more about personalized physical therapy, you can get a customized treatment for your pressing concerns. This can help you with ongoing relief from a variety of conditions.